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Hey there!

I'm Keith. A CFRE, entrepreneur, speaker and trainer dedicated to helping you become the best fundraiser you can be!

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My Story

I grew up in the picturesque town of Taos, New Mexico, where I spent every winter skiing. Even as a kid, I couldn’t make it down the mountain without helping every fallen skier get back on their feet. My entrepreneurial spirit also started young, running a lemonade stand every summer in front of my parents' business. My first "real" job was at Walt Disney World, where guest service and creating magical experiences became ingrained in who I would be professionally. But it wasn’t until I started working at a performing arts theater in college that I discovered fundraising. I was instantly hooked—it combined my desire to help people, my entrepreneurial spirit, and my passion for creating magical experiences into a single focus that didn’t just make shareholders money but changed the world.


My Journey


With over a decade of experience, I’ve worked in various settings—from small solo shops where I did everything, to being part of large teams, to leading entire foundations overseeing teams bringing in the dollars and others giving them away through grants and scholarships. I’ve been involved with local and regional nonprofits as well as national organizations with global outreach efforts. After all that experience, I’m so excited to share everything I’ve learned.

I’ve transformed organizations that were struggling to break through raising more than $100k annually to ones that exceeded their wildest campaign goals and raised millions of dollars. I’ve turned around nonprofits that had seen a decade of dropping donor retention rates to ones where more than half of all donors gave year after year. And I know that I can help you achieve your fundraising goals for your organization too.


How I Can Help

I’m here to serve. My company is built on a bedrock of love, a passion for what’s possible, and a commitment to be an unstoppable force for good. Through our free content, online training programs, and anything else we might offer—we’re in this to make a difference. To help you build a life that you truly love. A life that’s one-of-a-kind and brilliantly tailored for you.

Whether you’re just starting in fundraising, looking to grow your revenue, or aiming to make a big change in your organization, we’re here to help you reach the highest levels of your creative potential and tap into the deepest wisdom within you.


Let’s Get Started

Ready to take your fundraising to the next level? Here’s how we can work together:

Online Courses: Register for one of my online courses and learn at your own pace.
Speaking Engagements: Book me for your next conference to inspire and educate your audience.

Workshops: Arrange a workshop for your organization to dive deep into tailored strategies and actionable insights.

Let’s start transforming your fundraising journey together!

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